Mar. 11 – Daily Reflection

“Treat the Earth well. It was not given to you by your parents. It was loaned to you by your children.”
– Kenyan proverb

Stewardship of the Earth

Reduce, reuse, and recycle sounds great, but do we really think about (and apply) earth management into our daily lives? You might not litter, but how often do you drive your own vehicle rather than carpooling? What about buying “green” products instead of commercial items made with harmful chemicals? It is easy to disregard the dangers to the environment because there are no immediate consequences to our lives. However, think about how the earth will be in 50 years if everyone lived as you are today. Set a good example to your children of stewardship for the earth by recycling, eating fresh fruits and vegetables, and generally appreciating nature. Instead of going to Disney World, go on a camping trip. Turn off the TV and pick some flowers. This world is not ours alone. It is communally shared with all of the generations before us, and all of those to come after us.


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Published: March 11, 2014, 06:50 | No Comments on

Mar. 11 – Daily Reflection

Category: Daily Reflections

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