“He who cures a disease may be the skill-fullest, but he that prevents it is the safest physician.”
– Thomas Fuller, British clergyman and author

Are you paying attention to your health?

If you want to be around to enjoy your growing family, it’s never too late to start taking care of your body. Whether or not “skill-fullest” is a word, Thomas knows the value of prevention versus treatment. You have a better chance of survival by using the doctor that keeps you out of the hospital in the first place. Why wait for symptoms to show up before you start paying attention? By then, it may be too late. Remember the major goals and the people that you’re living for. Are you really willing to risk missing out because you didn’t take precautions? You’d be amazed at how some basic, simple everyday nutrition and fitness choices and actions make a big difference in staying on your feet. Injuries and disease are a steep price to pay when many can easily be avoided.


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Published: December 29, 2015, 10:03 | No Comments on

Dec. 29 – Daily Reflection

Category: Daily Reflections
