“Some people are carbon copies. Others make their own impression.”
– Church billboard in Arizona

How do you show your individuality?

Voices screaming for originality surround us in today’s culture. Problem is, most originality is happening just on the surface level, and is usually not original at all. People are so “original” now that tattoos–once symbols of rebellion and individual freedom–are now a tool of conformity. Sometimes, you can adopt someone else’s value system without knowing it. When that happens, you dilute the one thing you have complete control over: your unique self. People who are truly individuals are ones who are true to themselves. They are self-made people, not composites of borrowed personalities and values. They created their own value system and gain strength by living within that system. These are the people who do more than shock; they leave long-lasting impressions.


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Published: December 19, 2013, 09:03 | No Comments on

Dec. 19 – Daily Reflection

Category: Daily Reflections
