Welcome to my Super Blog site … trandymay.com. I encourage you to visit it often as I will be posting regularly. The primary focus of my posts will be in the area of Personal Growth and Development, and will spill over into the Growth and Development of my Internet Networking Experiences.

Hi friends and new readers
Randy May, here …

We have all heard from marketers that “The Money Is In Your List”, right? That is one of the first things I remember hearing when I began to research my interest in Internet Marketing and Multi-Level Marketing. I also remember my unconscious response … what do they mean, MY List!

As I ventured forward in search of some additional income from working on the internet, I lost track of that most valuable statement and my response to it … I just wanted to get in there and earn some cash!

What I have learned since then, and that was back in 2010, is that if I had paid heed to that statement and sought out the answer to my responsive question, I could have saved myself a lot of time and in some cases, a lot of money! You see, Internet Marketing and Multi-Level Marketing is not like working in a carnival … even though a majority of marketers I have met seem to be of that mind set.

What, actually, does a carnival worker do? A Carnival worker, first of all, builds a sense of excitement, adventure but most of all, that sense of urgency in all who come near! Try walking through a carnival sometime and see how often you are “pitched” an urgent message that you better come play that game, or take your “chance” at winning a prize … don’t hold your breath waiting for a “hawker” to ask permission to entice you … their job is to turn your money into their money, and they have a real gift at doing that!

So, how does all this relate to Internet Marketing or Multi-Level Marketing? For years, marketers have used the same technique as the carnival worker … excitement, adventure and urgency. Ring any bells? Well I am here today to tell you about a different way that really makes more sense to me. Instead of promoting this link or that link to an affiliate program, hoping to snag a taker, the art of list building seems much more professional and profound to me.

I have been using a strategy in my marketing that I have learned at Contact List Builder and Traffic Leads 2 Income. This strategy still includes the excitement, the adventure and even the urgency factors, but it is delivered in a much more professional way. First of all, my strategy requests permission from my prospect before they receive anything from me except a warm hello and a personal conversation. Next, if I find my new contact is interested in what I do in business, I ask them to complete a short on-line form and become a subscriber to my list. Gosh, what a unique idea! I actually ask them to verify that they wish to be contacted by me regarding a specific business or just in general … can you imagine that? Wouldn’t that be a hoot if a carnival hawker would use this strategy … the carnival wouldn’t make any money! But they are not trying to establish any form of long term, income producing relationship with their prospects … they just want to get all they can from everyone they can, as quick as they can, tear down and move on to another location, week after week. They aren’t interested in you, they are interested in what is in your pocket!

So ask yourself, is that the way you want to operate your marketing business? My answer is no and I hope yours is also! Do you have a better idea now about what list building might be all about?

List building is about making and supporting long term relationships with people that you have gotten to know, like and trust … just as they have gotten to know, like and trust you. These relationships become business partnerships and everyone benefits. You don’t have to pack up all your “stuff” on early Sunday morning and move on to the next community where you set up again and spend 2-3 days fleecing people, and then move again. You have your list of business partners and as you market for your list, your list grows and grows.

Learn about Contact List Builder and Traffic Leads 2 Income, using the links below:

Contact List Builder

Traffic Leads 2 Income

I hope to be back soon with another post, sharing more of what I have learned and experienced on-line … If you would like to comment on this post, please do, comments are always appreciated!


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