FIREARMS FUTURE | Chapter 1: Borderless

You need to watch and share this video. Produced by the NRA (National Rifle Association), you need to be aware of this information as a citizen of the U.S.A.

For those of you who may not know, Sheriff Larry Dever, white cowboy hat and blue/white checkered shirt is the long time sheriff of Cochise County. Sierra Vista is the largest town in Cochise County. Cochise County is huge and borders Sonora, Mexico. The bald-headed guy is the Sheriff of Pinal County, north of Tucson, AZ.

This video doesn’t say so, but there are videos taken on Hwy 8, going from I-10 north of Tucson, thru Gila Bed and on to CA. There is a sign warning drivers not to stop or pick up hitchhikers because so many are illegals who have come across the border from Mexico.
They can be Mexican or of any other foreign country.

This video is powerful and absolutely factual!

Published: May 16, 2013, 15:58 | 1 Comment on

FIREARMS FUTURE | Chapter 1: Borderless

Category: Patriotic Observations

One response to “
FIREARMS FUTURE | Chapter 1: Borderless

  1. Judy Kruse says:

    Another example of the lame stream media not
    keeping us informed, but of course, they always protect the abomination some call the
    POTUS! I have friends from Arizona and also receive emails from sheriff Joe Arpio from Maricopa County, Az. (Mesa) and it is bad! Too few people in this country know, or even care what is really going on on our soil. And too many are still dragging their feet joining the only organization really fighting for us. Randy and I are NRA recruiters. I would suggest
    a membership in NRA if you want to be able to face yourself in the mirror. It’s time to exercise tough love, folks.

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