Aug. 4 – Daily Reflection

“You’ll never miss the water, ’til the well runs dry.”
– W.C. Handy

Are you grateful for the luxuries in your life?

Even if you’ve never seen it, you are probably aware of the CBS reality show “Survivor”–16 castaways sent to live on an island to duke it out and vote one another off for $1 million prize. What is most striking about this concept is not the competition, but the absolute gratitude these people hold for things we take for granted every day. The dirty, unpurified water they cling to for life is the same stuff we flush, wash, and cook with every day without batting an eye. They covet and fight for food that we could easily pop in our microwaves or sit down to eat at a restaurant. The very fact that you can read this at your computer signifies that you are one of the most wealthy, educated people on the planet. Take a moment to think about the luxurious and privileged life you live. Give thanks for a whole body, everyday freedoms, your family, and all of the choices you have. Cherish what you have while you have it because you never know when your life could change.


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Published: August 4, 2015, 08:08 | No Comments on

Aug. 4 – Daily Reflection

Category: Daily Reflections

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